Diversify-CCAM Stakeholder Board
Throughout its duration, the Diversify-CCAM project will explore best practices in CCAM design and implementation to ensure equitable deployment. We will engage user groups and stakeholders at local, regional, and European levels to advance mobility equity across Europe. T
he Diversify-CCAM Stakeholder Board brings together experts from across industry, partners of the Diversify-CCAM project, and multiple representatives from the project pilot sites across Europe. The board will meet regularly throughout the project lifetime for important exchanges on:
- Real-world applications of CCAM;
-Progress and insights on the respective pilot sites;
- How to effectively overcome challenges across urban, rural, and regional transport systems;
- Cultural adaptation, policy integration, technological innovation, public perception,
- And many more relevant topics.
The organisations that make up the Diversify-CCAM Stakeholder Board can be seen below.


Diversify CCAM